Q. What are the different Divisions and when do practices and games occur for each Division?
A. Instructional (5 and 6 year olds)
The Instructional division is for players who will are 5 or 6 years old. Six year olds born between May - August who have completed two years of instructional are permitted to play in the Farm Division. Teams will have one Practice/Game per week. All players shall bat and play defense each inning of the game, which projects to be roughly 3 innings. Batters will learn advanced skills via a transitional program which begins with hitting off of a tee, followed by several weeks of soft toss pitch. The focus shall be on developing additional skills to assist players with their transition to full coach pitch at the next level, while still providing full participation and ensuring the players have fun.
Please note that we do not honor requests to "play up".
Games/Practices sessions Scheduled for Sundays start in early April and go to mid-June.
B. Farm Division (7-8 year olds)
The Farm Division is a developmental league for players ages 7 and 8. It is also an option for 9 year old players who chose or would benefit from another season of player development. Six year olds born between May - August who have completed two years of instructional are permitted to play in the Farm Division. The emphasis is on skill development, with coaches pitching the first half of the season and players beginning to pitch during the second half of the season. Strikes are counted for the first time and 10 players are fielded on defense.
Please note that we do not honor requests to "play up".
The regular season will consist of two games and one practice per week. Games start in early April and are played on Sundays (times will vary) and Weeknights (5:30pm) until mid-June.
C. Minors Division (9 – 10 year olds)
The Minors division is a competitive league for players ages 9 and 10. For 9-year-old players this is a step up to "big kid" baseball with players pitching, balls and strikes called by umpires, walks, strikeouts, and limited stealing allowed as part of the game. For 10-year-old players it is a continued development opportunity for these players. Minors is the highest level available for 9-year-old players and the appropriate division for 10-year-olds and any 11-year-olds who did not try out or were not drafted into Majors. Any 9-year-old not wishing to play in Minors may elect to play in the Farm Division. Teams are formed based on draft, no "play with" or coach requests. Nine players are fielded on defense each inning with a full roster batting order used on offense. The division will have playoffs at the conclusion of the regular season.
The regular season will consist of two to three games and one practice per week. Games start in early April and are played on Weeknights (5:30pm) until late May, with playoffs running into early-mid June.
D. Majors Division (11 – 12 year olds)
The Majors Division is the most competitive small diamond league for players ages 11 and 12. Parents may elect to have their 11 or 12 year old play Minors by registering for that division. Teams are formed based on draft, no "play with" or coach requests. The Majors division will play a portion of the regular season on the 50/70 diamond and have playoffs at the conclusion of the regular season.
The regular season will consist of two to three games and one practice per week. Games start in early April and are played on Weeknights (5:30pm) and Sundays (5:30pm) until late May, with playoffs running into early-mid June..
E. Junior High Division
The Junior High Division is for players in 7th and 8th grade. Teams will play in the Junior High Division of the multi-town Massasoit Baseball League. Half the games will be home games played in Mansfield with the other half on the road in other towns. Games played on "big diamond" on a regulation baseball field with 90 feet between bases and a pitcher's mound located 60 feet, 6 inches from home plate. Teams are formed based on draft, no "play with" or coach requests. The division will have playoffs at the conclusion of the regular season.
The regular season will consist of two to three games and one practice per week. Games played on Weeknights (5:30pm) from mid-April to mid-June. Pre-season practices and batting cage sessions will begin early April, weather permitting, on either weeknights (5:30pm), Saturdays or Sundays.
F. JV Division
The JV Division is for players in 9th and 10th grade. Teams will play in the JV Division of the multi-town Massasoit Baseball League. Half the games will be home games played in Mansfield with the other half on the road in other towns. Games played on "big diamond" on a regulation baseball field with 90 feet between bases and a pitcher's mound located 60 feet, 6 inches from home plate. The division will have playoffs at the conclusion of the regular season.
The regular season will consist of two to three games and one practice (Saturday) per week. Games played on Weeknights (5:30pm) from mid-April to mid-June. Pre-season practices and batting cage sessions will begin early April, weather permitting, on either weeknights (5:30pm), Saturdays or Sundays.
G. Varsity Division
The Varsity Division is for players in 11th and 12th grade. Teams will play in the Varsity Division of the multi-town Massasoit Baseball League. Half the games will be home games played in Mansfield with the other half on the road in other towns. Games played on "big diamond" on a regulation baseball field with 90 feet betweeen bases and a pitcher's mound located 60 feet, 6 inches from home plate. The division will have playoffs at the conclusion of the regular season.
The regular season will consist of two to three games and one practice (Saturday) per week. Games scheduled on Weeknights (5:30pm) from mid-April to mid-June. Pre-season practices and batting cage sessions will begin early April, weather permitting, on either weeknights (5:30pm), Saturdays or Sundays.
Q. In which Division should I register my child?
A. The website will only allow you to register your child in their age-appropriate division.
See the https://www.baberuthleague.org/league-resources/baseball-age-chart.aspx for the official Ripken Baseball age chartor by looking in the Documents Section on the main home page. Note, Ripken Baseball ages are defined by May - April so children born between May 1st - August 31st potentially would not play with their school grade
Q. How does Mansfield Youth Baseball cut-off for players ages?
MYB follows Ripken Baseball guidelines. See the https://www.baberuthleague.org/league-resources/baseball-age-chart.aspx 2025. Note, Ripken Baseball ages are defined by May - April so children born between May 1st - August 31st potentially would not play with their school grade
Q. What are the new bat standards?
Beginning with the 2018 season, non-wood and laminated bats used in the Little League (Majors) and below, Intermediate (50-70) Division, Junior League divisions, and Challenger division shall bear the USA Baseball logo signifying that the bat meets the USABat – USA Baseball’s Youth Bat Performance Standard. All BPF – 1.15 bats will be prohibited beginning with the 2018 season.
Additionally, starting in 2018, the bat diameter shall not exceed 2⅝ inches for these divisions of play. Bats meeting the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) standard may also be used in the Intermediate (50-70) Division and Junior League divisions. Additional information is available at LittleLeague.org/batinfo.
Q. Where can I find information relating to the Summer Baseball Programs.
Q. What are the volunteer opportunities for the league?
A. Mansfield Youth Baseball relies on parent volunteers. Volunteer opportunities include Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager and Team Parent. A completed CORI form must be submitted for any volunteer opportunity.
Q. What equipment does my player need?
Minors Division:
Gray pants or white pants
Baseball glove
Bat (with USA baseball logo)
Helmet with face protector (optional)
Batting gloves (optional)
Shirt to be provided
Majors Division:
Junior/Big Diamond Divisions